
International Workshop on

Neutrino Masses and Mixings

--- Toward Unified Understanding of Quark and Lepton Mass Matrices ---

University of Shizuoka

December 17-19, 2006

The workshop was successfully closed. Thank you for your collaboration.

Proceedings of the workshop was published in "International Journal of Modern Physics E" (the World Scientific Pub.), Vol.16, No.5 (June 2007).

First Circular (PDF) (update: Oct.17, 2006)

Deadline (update: Oct.17, 2006)

Registration (update: Oct.17, 2006)

Site of Workshop (update: Oct.24, 2006)
Campus Map (update: Dec.12, 2006)

Transportation Guide (update: Oct.17, 2006)

Local Information (update: Oct.17, 2006)

Climinate (update: Oct.17, 2006)

Hotel Accommodations (update: Oct.17, 2006)

Network and Computing (update: Oct.17, 2006)
Proceedings (update: July. 15, 2007)
Program (PDF) (update: Dec.01, 2006)
Speaker Instruction (update: Nov.30, 2006)
Participants (PDF) (update: Dec.12, 2006)

Organizing Committee (update: Oct.17, 2006)

Correspondence (update: Oct.17, 2006)

Program and Slides (update: Dec.25, 2006)

Photos (update: Dec.25, 2006)

Report on the previous Shizuoka Workshop (1997) (in Japanese)